Fragmento de texto não publicado de Bernardo Soares “Uma Língua sem Factos”
AUTOR: Steven Barich c/ Fernando Carmino Marques
TIPOLOGIA: Texto datilografado, sobre papel, com intervenções
DATA: 2022
N.º DE INVENTÁRIO: MF.2022.005
Fragment of unpublished text by Bernardo Soares “A Language Without Facts”
AUTHOR: Steven Barich w/ Fernando Carmino Marques
TYPOLOGY: Typed text, on paper, with posterior interventions
DATE: 2022
INVENTORY NO.: MF.2022.005
Memória Descritiva
A Falsidade Explicitada
Sobre Steven Barich
Steven Barich é um artista e educador americano que vive actualmente em Portugal. A sua prática artística emprega temas e/ou regras para orientar directamente o resultado da imagem ou objecto – tal que pode ser descrito com as palavras: reverberação, abstracto, massa negativa, padrão habitual, estrutura impossível, quebrado em um. As formas manifestam-se em desenho, colagem, vídeo e escultura, habitualmente apresentadas lado a lado numa única exposição. Steven Barich estudou no California College of Arts & Crafts (agora CCA) em Oakland, Califórnia, EUA, ganhando mais tarde um MFA em Pintura e Escultura do Mills College em Oakland, Califórnia. Expôs em numerosos espaços desde exposições alternativas dirigidas por artistas até museus da cidade, com intervenções periódicas realizadas no espaço público. Actualmente vive e trabalha no projecto Moinhos do Dão – Eco Quinta.
Sobre Fernando Carmino Marques
Fernando Carmino Marques é Doutor em letras pela Universidade de Paris IV – la Sorbonne, em 1997, Fernando Carmino Marques lecionou, de 1993 a 2002, língua, cultura e literaturas de expressão portuguesa nessa mesma universidade. Colaborou no Instituto Camões em Paris e foi docente responsável pelo ensino do português nas universidades de Versailles – St. Quentin e Marne-la Vallée. Entretanto publicou vários estudos sobre temas e autores portugueses e brasileiros, dos séculos XVI, XIX e XX. Exerce atualmente a docência no Instituto Politécnico da Guarda.
Descriptive Memory
This piece was inspired by the often-quoted Fernando Pessoa as Bernardo Soares text: “A minha pátria é a língua portuguesa” (My homeland is the Portuguese language). The piece for Museo do Falso was created by expanding upon existing typewritten manuscripts that have been digitized and are available to the public, to allow for a full alphabet of Royal 5 Typewriter font to replicate a “lost” fragment, to expound upon the concept that one’s identity is or can be defined bylanguage, or at least, by the language(s) you speak.
This relates to theTheory ofLinguistic Relativity, a hypothesis by Sapir and Whorf which “…states that our thought processes predominantly determine how we look at the world. Our language restricts our thought processes—our language shapes our reality. Simply, the language that we use shapes the way we think and how we see the world.” [https://www.simplypsychology.org/sapir-whorf-hypothesis.html]
In the case of Bernardo Soares, he is literally a shaped or created way of thinking, as a semi-heteronym of Pessoa, based solely in the language in which he not only writes, but thinks as a “unique” individual. Can it be that if we write and think like Soares ourselves, we start to see the World as he does?
Personally, for the artist Steven Barich, this art piece for the Museo do Falso considers the question of how a foreigner—who may or may not fully speak the language of Portuguese, now or in the future—could or would ever be considered Portuguese, either through the “mastery” of the language, or, by living in the Portuguese culture and the physical land of Portugal. Furthermore, can we exist, do we have or are we given an identity, only when there is a language we can speak?
Falsehood Explained
If language serves as identity, there is no greater example of the mystery of identity, creativity and language than the Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa. Given that Pessoa was multilingual and published in both Portuguese and English, he exists as strong reference in a development of what happens when a person tries to work artistically within multiple languages, if and when considering the Theory of Linguistic Relativity.
It is an unresolved theory and study, which perhaps is best examined through Art itself.
The “raw” material for creating the work was sourced from the Biblioteca Nacional in Lisbon: https://bndigital.bnportugal.gov.pt/project/pessoa-fernando-1888-1935-2/
Information regarding Bernardo Soares was sourced from the Biblioteca Particular Fernando Pessoa at the Casa Fernando Pessoa online: https://casafernandopessoa.pt/pt/fernando-pessoa/obra/bernardo-soares
Context was inspired by the original work by Fernando Pessoa of Livro do Desassossego.
About Steven Barich
Steven Barich is an American-born artist and educator now living in Portugal. His art practice employs themes and/or rules to directly guide the outcome of the image or object—such that can be described with the words: reverberation, abstract, negative mass, habitual pattern, impossible structure, broken-into-one. The forms manifest in drawing, collage, video and sculpture, commonly presented side-by-side in a single exhibition. Steven Barich studied at the California College of Arts & Crafts (now CCA) in Oakland, California, USA, later earning an MFA in Painting and Sculpture from Mills College in Oakland, California. He has exhibited at numerous spaces from artist-run alternative exhibitions to city museums, with periodic interventions performed in the public space. He currently lives and works at the Moinhos do Dão – Eco Quinta project.
About Fernando Carmino Marques
Fernando Carmino Marques has a PhD in Humanities from the Paris-Sorbonne University (1997), where he has lectured on Portuguese language, culture and literature from 1993 to 2002. He is a regular collaborator with the Camões Institute in Paris and has been responsible for the teaching of Portuguese language at the Universities of Versailles – St. Quentin and Marne-la Vallée. He has published several articles and books on Portuguese and Brazilian authors from the 16th, 19th, and 20th century. Currently, he is an associate Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda, in Portugal.
Esta peça foi criada para o Museu do Falso com o Apoio